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360 ° VIDEOS

Don't look at the moment, relive it !

Thanks to our dedicated camera, we make 360 ​​° -5K videos and even on-board video! Our idea is to offer interactive videos allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the action by looking around them via their smartphone, tablet or using the computer mouse!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

It is possible to make videos tripod or mounted on vehicles or roller coaster.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The fastening system is quick and easy.

GOLDEN DRILLER - Fraispertuis City (August 2020)

The MUR Mulhouse - BRAKO (01/12/2018)

MONSTER - Walygator Grand Est (July 2017)

VOLETARIUM AREA - Europa-Park (2018)

They trusted us

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